Sunday, July 29, 2012

Question by Kratos The Enforcer: Will everyone please stop complaining about TMA vs MMA? Get the f*cking sand outta your vagina's, your all an embarrassment to the martial arts, I don't give a flying f*ck whether you train martial arts for Self Defense, Warfare or Sport, you're all human like everyone else and therefore are liable to human error, in fact the biggest error you're all making is that you have some notion of superiority over someone else because your art is either "deadly" or "realistic" and either the other has "too many outdated methods" or the other has "too many rules" , you're all just a bunch of whiny Keyboard Warriors, you're entitled to your own opinion , but I'm entitled to tell you to go screw yourself for having such a narrow minded opinion, so I don't care if you're TMA or MMA, I don't care if you're Sport or Self Defense, and I especially don't care who started it(God I feel like a f*cking teacher breaking up some brats that are scraping),shut your mouth ,open your mind look at it from the other persons point of view and try to come to some logical conclusion as to why all your pointless debating really is just that POINTLESS There is no such thing as TMA , all martial arts whether modern or not have the same principles and that is all that is traditional, and not every art form has a complete range of combat,even in their non sporting forms ,so you are not complete and get over yourselves,as for MMA its the same , you guys are not complete get over yourselves, MMA is just a sport that mixes other combat sports together, not mixing complete martial arts, it should be either called MSC(Mixed Combat Sports) or MF(Mixed Fighting),but sadly thanks to other combat sports and hollywood watering down martial arts it doesn't sound as appealing to the consumer, in fact that is why MMA got it's name in the first place as opposed to being called"Ultimate Fighting" ,NHB(No Holds Barred) or Vale Tudo, MMA sounds more appealing to the public so that's what it was marketed as In all honesty what pisses me off most is that I'm trying to discuss and learn with people here and yet nobody seems to be doing that , all their is anymore is just pointless trolls who continue to post stupid questions and people so up their own ass they should be able to feel their own hair in the back of their throat for thinking they are better than everyone else Do I think this rant is going to make a f*cking difference? absolutely not , but If I didn't voice my opinion on the matter I'd go insane from observing the ever increasing trolling and stupidity on this Q&A forum Much better Kokoro thanks and J Henry thanks for your input too Everyone else please feel free to voice your opinions on the matter , warning though I myself might not personally flame you other people here will and I am not responsible if you get offended Odee my definition of complete is different in every way to someone else's as would your own be because we each experience everything differently as we are individuals and unique,but we know that human beings could live for millenia and still never become a complete martial artist,even in terms of technique and ranges of combat because there are no one size fits all techniques everyone has their own personal way of doing something, if they could become complete there would cease to be the ever present need that humans have to better themselves, there's nothing wrong with being incomplete and it's a good thing too,because life wouldn't be worth living if we were perfect or complete Perfection is non existent, that's not sad ,it's brilliant, without flaws how do we know we exist at all?I think therefore I am yes but how do we think if we are supposedly perfect ?would we even need to question something or think at all ?no because we wouldn't exist it's it's never about the destination it's all about the journey that's what life and training are ,I'm sorry I tried to answer a technical question with a philosophical answer but you wanted my thoughts on the matter bro, I'm not trying to be deep I'm just saying what I really think The simple reason I mentioned that no one in either a traditional or MMA mindset is complete is because the notion of superiority they all seem to bear over one another either in terms of either ethics ,techniques or training methodologies is just breeding more hate and ignorance between these two groups whereas if they realize they're all human and have a common ground and common flaws they can begin to view from the others perspective and try to actually listen and learn from each other instead of just creating more pointless arguments, I don't expect it to make much of an impact on them but if I can get through to at least a small group and just get these thoughts out of my Best answer:
Answer by J Henry
Well stated my pissed off friend! Honestly, who cares if Bruce Lee if still with us could beat up Anderson Silva, or if Hulk Hogan could beat up the Gracie family. What gives is the immature message these people perceive martial arts anyway. It all boils down to this ego trip question we all heard as kids in kindergarten class. " My dad could beat up your dad." Enough said, and thank you for your opinion as it counts brother.
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